I bought a safety razor a couple months ago and I’ve been using some blades that came with it, I don’t even think they have a brand, it looks like it’s just some Chinese manufactured stuff without name and they are okay, but I think I could get something a little bit better. Has any of you tried the Feather brand? I think they’re Japanese or somethign.

  • FuckBigTech347
    1 year ago

    I just grab the next best mid-tier ones I can find and usually they turn out to be okay for 2 - 3 uses. I don’t really care about the brand. Never go with the cheapest ones though. The difference is in the metal alloy. Cheaper blades have less steel/more chromium which makes them more soft. And a soft blade gets dull pretty quick. I once had ones that started going dull during the first use. So midway through the shave I had to press harder and go over multiple times to cut the hair. I always ended up having a bloody neck with them lol.