If you had the power to implement any social/economical order in the US today, what would that order be and how would you implement it (step by step) - elaborate (characters of peoople in charge of important roles in society, political order, flag change, national goals, foreign policy, etc.). It can be a mash of political/social orders, doesn’t have to be a particular one, you can call it whatever you like. The same goes for the rest of the social roles and political order, doesn’t have to be written in books, it can be a mash of whatever you think is right for the particular scenario.

  • coderade
    1 year ago

    Fully automated communism would be the goal. But steps to get there: (not super ordered)

    1. Redirect huge chunks of military funding to lift people out of poverty, provide healthcare, etc
    2. Rapidly phase out all fossil fuel subsidies, replace them with incentives for green energy, infrastructure like trains, bridges, etc
    3. Aggressive taxes on the wealthiest, to the point being a billionaire is impossible if not illegal. Redistribute this wealth to the masses
    4. Invest much more in science, focusing on ways to better balance our existence with nature
    5. Bring copyright back to its original 20 years, or better yet get rid of it entirely.
    6. Have any government software be open source and copy left. All public schools should also be using open source software to teach children so they have a better appreciation for it
    7. Convert many of our foreign military bases into centers to give back to the local communities, either with information or goods. If the country doesn’t want us, move out
    8. Move to some other form of voting. I’d say mixed party proportional for representatives in congress, ranked choice or star voting for president. Get rid of the senate or change how its members are elected.
    9. Heavily incentivise unions, at all levels. Local branches in each company, company wide, profession wide. Heavily punish union busting.
    10. Have elected workers on the board of each company, with equal or greater voting power than investors
    11. End single family zoning, make housing a right, start building dense housing in over priced cities
    12. End large corporate lobbying, have representatives paid based on how their constituents are doing

    I’d want people in power who actually care about their constituents. Their incentives should be to help people, not pad their pockets

    • 0x4E4FOP
      1 year ago

      You do realize that if all this is implemented, this will make the US more like Sweeden, i.e. the US will no longer be a superpower.

      What about gun control?

      EDIT: I like how you approach the issue though, well though of. Just have some other questions.

      And what are your thoughts on leadership grooming of children… if the child has the right potential of course. This idea goes back to how tribes chose and educated their leaders (shamans). Basicaly, you embed emotinal connection to the people when they’re still young. That and other things as well (moral values, deep seeded sense or right and wrong, empathy, etc.).

      • coderade
        1 year ago

        I’m for reasonable gun control. Waiting periods, no fully automatic weapons. And the US is on the decline from being a superpower now. I don’t need or want America to be the world police. The world should have more partnerships, treaties, and such, and less superpowers dominating the landscape.

        I don’t think we should be grooming children for leadership, I think leaders will emerge naturally as people grow and develop. We should be giving children resources to be their best selves with free education, housing, and food. People can elect those who feel best represent them and their interests. I’m a moral relativist, mores and values shift constantly and it is hard to predict what would be best with future technologies and societies.

        • 0x4E4FOP
          1 year ago

          I’m for reasonable gun control. Waiting periods, no fully automatic weapons.

          Reasonable, agrred.

          And the US is on the decline from being a superpower now. I don’t need or want America to be the world police. The world should have more partnerships, treaties, and such, and less superpowers dominating the landscape.

          Agreed, but not what most US citizens like to hear… cuz like it or not, that will also impact economical power, which will translate into less for everyone. Not necessarily poor, but the upper middle class will be dropped to lower middle… and they’re still a large percentage of the population.

          I don’t think we should be grooming children for leadership, I think leaders will emerge naturally as people grow and develop. We should be giving children resources to be their best selves with free education, housing, and food. People can elect those who feel best represent them and their interests. I’m a moral relativist, mores and values shift constantly and it is hard to predict what would be best with future technologies and societies.

          Mhm, agree on this as well. But, I believe that if we are to survive as a species, leaders need to appointed, not elected. The only logical answer that came to mind as how can this peron be trusted is to be “programmed” from child with values that reflect the current social order and moral values.

          Still, we’ll see, I may be wrong about this, but the current system doesn’t work well either. It’s easilly corruptable.