If you had the power to implement any social/economical order in the US today, what would that order be and how would you implement it (step by step) - elaborate (characters of peoople in charge of important roles in society, political order, flag change, national goals, foreign policy, etc.). It can be a mash of political/social orders, doesn’t have to be a particular one, you can call it whatever you like. The same goes for the rest of the social roles and political order, doesn’t have to be written in books, it can be a mash of whatever you think is right for the particular scenario.
Reasonable, agrred.
Agreed, but not what most US citizens like to hear… cuz like it or not, that will also impact economical power, which will translate into less for everyone. Not necessarily poor, but the upper middle class will be dropped to lower middle… and they’re still a large percentage of the population.
Mhm, agree on this as well. But, I believe that if we are to survive as a species, leaders need to appointed, not elected. The only logical answer that came to mind as how can this peron be trusted is to be “programmed” from child with values that reflect the current social order and moral values.
Still, we’ll see, I may be wrong about this, but the current system doesn’t work well either. It’s easilly corruptable.