I like the idea of being sustainable, growing your own food, and living naturally. I used to dream about starting a commune or homestead, but now I’m starting to think the idealization of it is petty bourgeois and part of the settler mindset. Starting some farm in the wilderness is very reminiscent of the western frontier, and the homestead act which I am myself a beneficiary of. We don’t need more socialists leaving society, we need more urban farming and an end to monoculture.

What do y’all think about it?

  • lemat_87
    1 year ago

    I grow up in a homestead, and I must say, it is a fucking hard work, even if you have a tractor and many agriculture machines, what is expensive. That homestead has few hectares, so it is borrowed to someone else, since you cannot compete economically with rich land owners having 200 hectares and you go bancrupt. I do think that it doesn’t need to be the settler’s mindset. It depends on your objectives. Communists countries have sieckle in coat of arms by reason. Feeding people is providing them one of basic needs Working collectively with similarly minded people can produce something good and valuable, however agriculture now became industry for big land owners. It is very hard even for them, when the weather is bad, as it is, since capitalist suckers fucked up the climate, so we have dramatic droughts and rains and other shitfuckery. If you like growing plants, I would advise gardening for start. Even this may be expensive. Homestead can suck all your community money. But maybe my experience is not generalizable and you find some area. Anyway, good luck comrade!