i wouldn’t say i’m overweight, and i know that the BMI index is not necessarily reliable, but i do feel like over the years i’ve kinda lost the figure i used to have. i mostly stay at home and code now, whereas a couple years back i used to play a competitive sport on a daily basis.

how do you guys lose weight, or stay fit, as adults? i’ve tried the gym, i just don’t really like it there. i feel insecure, and i don’t really utilize many of the machines they have there since i don’t want to bulk or gain muscle. for christmas, i got a yoga mat and some dumbells. do lemmers have resources for creating a low-maintenance workout plan?

there’s also the whole diet thing. how do you count calories, eat well balanced meals, etc? i already struggle with meal prepping, and feel like having to account for calorie intake would make this even harder. or would that make it easier since i would get good at making the same things? idk, it’s stressful but i’m hoping to take better care of myself in 2022.

  • tamagotchicowboy
    3 years ago

    I lost by using one of those weight and calorie trackers and youtube exercise videos (I like the dance ones). I don’t like the gym either, I feel so self conscious when exercising, so I love those youtube or even VCR age workout videos that I can do at home with the blinds drawn tight. Whatever exercise you pick make sure its something you like and want to do, its hard to get momentum to begin with.

    I’ve lost 50 so far, still have another 50 to go. The first thing that really helped me was dealing with my dysphoria which was the root driver of my overeating. Once I was comfortable in my body, I wanted to improve it.

    Scheduling helps a lot, I would slowly ramp up the exercise, start off with x2 30min a week and go from there until you’re at your desired amount, could be less or more times a week. Try to schedule eating too if you can, that way you’re not mindlessly snacking on a bowl of cereal at 1AM.

    Another big one is to avoid sugar, that stuff is poison in the amounts we typically eat. The artificial stuff is also bad for you and spikes your blood sugar, so don’t get comfortable replacing regular soda for diet, you eventually want to taper off. Drink more water, it’ll help delay your hunger.

    For balanced meals more vegetable, fiber, and/or protein source than anything else on the plate helps as a rough rule, not a perfect one though. For example, beans. Could have a lentil soup like shorba paired with some sort of vegetable side dish for example. Root vegetables make good curries, carrot curry, pumpkin, etc, just use non-fat or non-dairy milk where the recipe calls for milk. Soups are generally low calorie, or can be made so.