Boy have I been confused, this whole time I assumed MLMs supported the Chinese government but I just had some conversations on twitter with MLMs and they were all upset with China saying the same thing that happened to the USSR is happening right now in China. I just assumed with one of the cardinal principles being to uphold Mao Zedong thought that MLMs would be pess critical. Iunno

  • KJMac
    4 years ago

    MLMs don’t support the PRC after 1976 as they view the defeat of the cultural revolution and Deng Xiaoping taking power as what turned China onto the capitalist road, and often critique it as being social imperialist . Mao Zedong thought this of Deng as well .

    They do, however, defend China insofar as it’s against Western-imperialist lies - but they view China and Russia as forming an emerging Eastern imperialism, and that being the source for said slander campaign, that it forms competition to the current imperialist hegemony - not because they think the two pose a threat to the capitalist-imperialist system in general.