Yoga gets dunked on a lot. Even more when you are a guy doing yoga. It is seen as a feminine and hippie kind of thing.

But that’s a dumb way of thinking, of course.

Yoga is good for flexibility, training your balance, focussing on your breath and staying calm and it even trains strength. A daily yoga session of ten minutes can keep you stretched, flexible, and calm.

As I said, yoga for women is already pretty popular. I know multiple women who do yoga on a regular basis. Men, not so much. But I want to change that, and inspire men to step out of their comfort zone, break the patriarchic view of yoga and keep them fitter.

Who in here has experience with yoga already? Please share your tips and visions!

  • hkto
    1 year ago

    I’ve been fairly successful doing it on my own from yoga videos (Sarah Beth Yoga on YouTube seems to be where I often end up) and did pay for a subscription to a channel for a while. I can confirm the many health benefits, and it is probably something I need to pick up again.

    I’ve not had any ridicule for being a man who does yoga, but I was definitely not very welcome in any of the (almost exclusively female) yoga classes I attended. It sucks, but equally I can see the reasoning, some of the poses are kind of um, open? And people get embarrassed. Less so around people who they generally assume won’t subject them to a sexualised gaze, I suppose.

    Still, it is great. My first crow pose was epic, and I felt amazing. Anyone who needs a goal to work towards to get motivated should definitely go for that.

    • DankZedong OPMA
      1 year ago

      A crow pose is definitely something I aspire to reach. Since I’m fairly tall and don’t have a history of being flexible, it takes some time to advance lol. But it’s fun to do and feels great, especially since I work in an office all day.