• @boot20@lemmy.ml
    3311 months ago

    Reddit’s official app and new reddit are awful experiences and actively hostile to the user. It’s nice to see a site that understands this.

    • @t0ny@lemmy.ml
      1411 months ago

      I hate new reddit so much. I just opened it. On my 1440p monitor I see 3 posts. Old reddit I can see 18 posts on one page.

      • @aqeeliz@lemmy.ml
        211 months ago

        There are different layouts available on new reddit, you don’t have to use Card, switch to another one, there is even a compact one.

      • @manned_meatball@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        I never understood this argument. I can’t read more than one post at a time anyways and images are not immediately visible in the list view. What makes you want 18 posts visible at once?

        • @Gork@beehaw.org
          1111 months ago

          So you can select the post you want to actually look at instead of having to scroll and scroll to find one that interests you. Like in a classical forum post, essentially.

          • Pigeon
            511 months ago

            Agreed. It makes the posts you don’t want to see much easier to ignore. Even my favorite subreddits have posts I don’t care about, like r/fantasy posts praising Mistnorn for the billionth time.

            I don’t want giant images in my face right away, either, without warning of what they contain, especially if browsing unfamiliar or large subreddits.

          • @t0ny@lemmy.ml
            111 months ago

            That and I have tendonitis so less scrolling past crap I don’t care about means I have less pain / no pain.

            • @Gork@lemmy.ml
              11 months ago

              About a decade ago, Logitech had this awesome mouse with a freewheel spinning middle mouse. It allowed for a long spin after release and was excellent for up and down scrolling on a large page. Sadly they don’t seem to be made anymore. They were really fun.

  • wicked82 [ Ohio ]
    3211 months ago

    I hate the official app with the fire of 1,000 suns. So if my only options are using the official app or leaving the site completely I’m leaving completely✌️

  • Spacebar
    3011 months ago

    Reddit is too popular now. They’re going to have an IPO eventually and then it will really go down hill.

    Might as well get on the ground floor of something new.

    • @nadia@sopuli.xyz
      2511 months ago

      Advertising is literally big corporations trying to change the shape of your brain. I dislike that very much. I hope lemmy works out for me, I can’t use reddit if I have to slog through their ads. Plus, I probably already see a ton of bots that I don’t even realize are ads.

  • @caribou@lemmy.ml
    2411 months ago

    Part of the Digg exodus and on Reddit for ~14 years, Old.Reddit + Reddit Enhancement Suite for PC and Reddit is Fun on Android are the only reason I lasted so long.

    • @Schaedelbach@feddit.de
      711 months ago

      Exactly the same! Except I never really liked and used Digg. Other than that: RIF on my phone and old Reddit plus RES for way over a decade. Cheers!

      • @orclev@lemmy.ml
        611 months ago

        When RIF stops working that will be the end of Reddit on my mobile. I’ll never use that pile of hot garbage they call a client. I can’t say for sure I’ll never use it on the desktop again, at least as long as old reddit keeps working. If they kill old reddit though, yeah I’ll never go back.

  • @Woedin@lemmy.ml
    2311 months ago

    I’m only a 6 year clubber on Reddit, but using RIF for most of it, couldn’t stand how the app was going. Nowadays it’s the content as well. Going to be exploring around here now

    • @cheems@lemmy.ml
      911 months ago

      Exactly why I’m here, except I was on Reddit longer. But rif is what made it barrable

    • @Percy@lemmy.one
      111 months ago

      Because Lemmy is open source once the mass migration happened expect a bunch of new mobile apps for it instead of just jerboa

  • @_number8_@lemmy.ml
    2311 months ago

    hopefully 21 miles of cromulent posting

    it would be amazing if a site could replicate that early day reddit feeling

  • pitninja
    2211 months ago

    I would actually be willing to pay a small, reasonable monthly fee to not have to see ads and to be able to continue using Boost for Reddit like I have been for the last 7 years with the experience unchanged. What I will not do is pay to use reddit’s official app without ads simply because it’s going to be the only choice with their horrible fee structure that will kill all third party apps. As soon as they kill Boost, my account there goes dark…

    • @Mersampa@beehaw.org
      1711 months ago

      The Apollo dev comment on this. They have a subscription model already, but would need to more than double the cost just to meet the cost of the API.

      They worked it out as $2.50 per month for the average user. But I’d be willing to bet that you’d have less users using it more if it cost that much, so it would need to be higher. And then you add taxes. And even then it’s all going to reddit, the dev gets nothing.

      This is based on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/

      • pitninja
        811 months ago

        Yeah, I definitely saw that. The only thing that makes sense to me is that they’re expecting third party app devs to basically be charging what they do for Reddit premium, which is honestly pretty ridiculous. Most people aren’t going to want to suddenly have to pay anywhere near $6/month for what they had been getting for free. Reddit also screwed up by not having a way that their existing Reddit Premium users might continue having API access in third party apps with a personal token instead of making all third party app devs be brokers in the exchange. They’re making the system needlessly complicated IMHO.

        • @argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
          111 months ago

          They could have drastically simplified the whole issue by decreeing that only premium Reddit accounts may use a third-party app. They get their money and people only mildly groan instead of getting outraged and abandoning ship.

    • CleoTheWizard
      1111 months ago

      Hey look, a fellow boost refuge.

      What I’d actually rather do is have all of reddit pay devs of a federated platform like this one or similar a small amount to have a platform without ads.

      • Dessalines
        1811 months ago

        I use(d) and love boost! I mostly based the ui in jerboa after it, because it’s so beautiful.

        Shame it’s always been closed source.

        • @espersentinel@lemmy.ml
          1011 months ago

          Just deleted reddit and moved here. Jerboa is clean as fuck. Minor improvements here/there but the fact that its open source cancels that all out. Hell I might even contribute myself

          • Dessalines
            611 months ago

            Thanks! I could def use more dev help on it, as I’m spread very thin.

            Its had other contributers, but none of them have stuck around.

        • pitninja
          511 months ago

          No wonder I felt right at home as soon as I changed the feed layout to small cards (to better match my Boost preference). You’ve done a fantastic job reproducing the feeling of Boost!

      • @FabulousAardvark@lemmy.ml
        1011 months ago

        As a fellow boost user, it’s sad to see us here! If Reddit really is going that way, hope the boost fev makes a Lemmy app…

        • Dessalines
          1511 months ago

          I did base jerboa’s UI off of boost, because it’s my fav reddit app also.

          • @marz@lemmy.ml
            1111 months ago

            Enjoying jerboa so far, a couple bugs but despite being so new it’s even more stable than Reddit’s official app. Thanks for your hard work.

  • @m_talon@beehaw.org
    2211 months ago

    I’d rather crawl the 20 extra miles to a new community (and did) than use that app again. It’s that bad. The reviews on Google Play are very telling. It’s just a buggy mess.

    • MrsEaves
      311 months ago

      I gave it a good, genuine try after they killed Alien Blue, because surely they bought that app to do something useful with it, right? Nope. Absolute garbage, and I begrudgingly made the switch to Apollo. Reddit is my last non-Fediverse based social media site and the only thing keeping me on it was the content and excellent app interface - the minute Apollo stops working, Reddit is dead to me. I’d rather post into the abyss than use the official app or website.

  • @Cromutorium@lemmy.ml
    2111 months ago

    Joined lemmy after getting sick of reddit. The community here feels like a breath of fresh air. But disappointed at the lack of the more niche content (mostly motorsport discussion/news) but am sure that’ll change with time.

    • Rentlar
      1711 months ago

      disappointed at the lack of more niche content

      As of now it’s down to the lack of participating users in niche subs.

      So, glad to have you here! With enough people starting to create discussions on stuff they enjoy this place will get livelier than ever.

      Even Reddit had to start somewhere when the ability to comment was added to the site in 2005, you know.

      • @Cromutorium@lemmy.ml
        611 months ago

        I was half wondering if it was possible/allowed to create a bot account that “mirrors” content from certain subreddits such as r/formula1 to create an automated newsfeed for lemmy users to browse and comment on? I guess even if it were possible it’d rely on using reddit’s API which is obviously soon to be a no-go

  • @gds@lemmy.ml
    2111 months ago

    Reddit’s official app, and in fact Reddit’s official website is a hugely compromised experience, and I suspect the only reason they haven’t gone further is that they don’t want to push people to the alternatives. However this latest move to restrict the available alternatives seems like the beginning of the end to me and their app and site are only going to get worse.

    That’s why I’m here at least!

  • @prosopopeia@lemmy.ml
    2111 months ago

    The API changes was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I was on reddit right before the exodus from Digg, before that I used to go to Fark. So much has changed, it is sad to see it, but I guess it was inevitable. As companies grow their user base, they tend to start catering to a more generic (and bland) base and the higher ups demand never ending increase of revenue, quarter after quarter.

    So many memories; great ones (Today you, tomorrow me), awful ones (Jolly Rancher), some weird ones (Waffles? Don’t You Mean Carrots?), etc. I only use old.reddit with RES on Librewolf on my PC, and Redreader and Stealth on Android (FOSS apps).

    I am hoping to see Lemmy grow, I wish you all reddit refugees the best of luck!