I made this a while ago, its a flag for transhumanist communism, it is essentially the USB symbol with the Marxist-Leninist colors, simple design but hits the point home, i also made this in 8k resolution.

  • relay
    11 months ago

    Is the topic of furries with prosthetic tails with nerve ending connection attached to the coccyx transhumanist? Where humans adjust their forms to be radically different than any other human with gene editing or prosthetics? Any of these technologies could be disastrous under capitalism. I’m curious about what this flag is advocating exactly.

    • Nemesis ☭OP
      211 months ago

      yeah those are all transhumanist by definition, the idea of transhumanism is using technology to enhance our abilities, using technology to improve our lives

  • @Shrike502
    511 months ago

    I like the concept*, but I don’t think using just USB icon is the correct choice. I’d personally go for a spaceman imagery, ala the Monument to Cosmonauts in Moscow.

    *In a sense that the inherent biological differences between humans are also a contradiction that the future communists will have to tackle. Some people are born with no limbs, or blind, or deaf, etc. The negative impact it has on a person will have to be dealt with, scientifically

    • Nemesis ☭OP
      211 months ago

      i used the USB icon since it is the symbol for the Universal Serial Bus, which is a universal technological standard for connecting things to computers, its basically to show how everything is interconnected lol

  • @Lemmy_Mouse
    111 months ago

    This sounds inherently anti-human, opting to replace humanity with technology instead of using technology to advance humans (replacing limbs with machines instead of using weights to increase the natural ability of said limbs while maintaining their anatomic structural origins).

    As well, this reminds one of the reality under neoliberalism; there are technologist labor aristocrats being directed by bourgeois who’s wealth is settled in cybernetic technology who have a goal of bringing the human body itself into the market in a new profound manner: the commodification of human will (complete control over labor-power) itself via a technological medium…such as the chips Musk has been spouting on about as of late which stands at an origin point for further technologies to develop towards realizing this goal.

    Yes this goal is not currently reachable, but it begins with cybernetic implants under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. These technologies will serve their needs, not ours. Google search, Wikipedia, and their relation to the propaganda war against Russia is a perfect example of this.