cross-posted from:

Most of them don’t really make sense or are just anti-communist “jokes.” The best two I found were “Roses are red and so is the state, let us be comrades because I think you are great” because it’s sweet and not necessarily romantic, and “Hey good looking. Are you the government? Because I would totally like to make you fall for me” because it’s just good. I also found one that I made up independently “are you the means of production? Because I want to seize you.” Which is just funny because it’s absurd. Are there any good communist pickup lines you know or can think of?

  • CommieGabredabok
    1 year ago

    I am going to copy my list of pick-up lines from the cross-post here (warning: Stupidity ahead)

    ZAMN cuh, you can put your vanguard in my revolution!

    You can seize my means of reproduction, baby!

    You must be a dialectic, cuz you got me feeling contradictions

    Can you be my cum-rade?

    I say “No gods, no rulers” in the streets; “Yes master” in the sheets

    Girl, are you a Trotskyist? Cuz, I have something to pick with you.

    Girl, are you an MLM? Cuz, I wanna boil a baby in you.

    The capitalists may own the means of production, but you own my heart

    You must be a collectivized farm, cuz I wanna eat your ass (or something else…)

    Are you a collectivized farm? Cuz I can’t resist to sow seeds of love with you

    Damn, you must be good at praxis, cuz you got me rising up…

    Are you a crackkker imperialist? Cuz you just colonized my heart

    Damn, you make my heart do The Great Leap Forward

    Are you Enver Hoxha? Cuz I wanna bunker down in your [explicit]

    Is this hexbear? Cuz I wanna do a 5 hour struggle (or snuggle) session with you

    Are you public transportation? Cuz I want you to f*cking rail me