You’re a beautiful human being, and you’re worth more than capitalism values you to be. You can accomplish great things, and your abilities are more useful than you assume. You’re great.

  • Iskender
    4 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPMA
      44 years ago

      I was on the far-right before coming to the far-left. I’ve found that my PTSD and the issues surrounding it are much more accepted and helped by my far-left comrades than it ever was from the far-right. Before radicalizing, I’d constantly be told to “man up” because of it by fellow ancaps. But, as soon as I replaced the vile assholes with comrades, I’ve noticed that I’m getting community aid for my mental health near constantly.

      that’s a bit rambly, I’m a sleepy-sheepy. TL:DR far-right are assholes, far-left actually cares about each other.

      • Iskender
        4 years ago

        deleted by creator

  • Muad'DibberA
    34 years ago

    I appreciate you comrade <3 . We’re all worth more than our surplus labor.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPMA
      34 years ago

      I adore the culture we’ve crafted here on Lemmy. It genuinely feels like it’s possible for us to have real connections with each other, and genuinely have decent conversations. The culture of Reddit feels very toxic. Honest questions are treated as threats to people’s intellect, discussions are never allowed to be conversations, etc. I don’t see that here, and it makes me legitimately really happy.

      Thanks for taking the initiative on getting Lemmy going, none of us would be here if it wasn’t for you and the rest of the dev branch.

      • Muad'DibberA
        24 years ago

        Awww <3 you too comrade.

        Lets keep trying to do our best to be good to newcomers and learners: