For me it would be candy corn, or dots.
Stock cubes
This is correct
Toxic Waste
They taste like I imagine flavored window caulking would.
I leik whoppers
I leik em too.
Whoppers are good but the risk of getting a bad one is not worth it. Ech
Bouillon Cubes
Lavender candy
How about circus peanuts?
The first bite of circus peanuts tastes to me like an alien artificial intelligence had to create a sugary treat and only had petroleum by-products to make it with.
The second bite taste like accepting your fate.
I love whoppers, candy corn, dots, and circus peanuts…
Whoppers are 95% great. It’s that gross 5% that really makes me savor the rest.
Are you taking about those weird chewy ones? Because those are my favorites.
I found my people here.
Yea, the periodic weird one really makes it an exciting gamble.
This is so wrong! Love sucking on them Whoppers
Did you mean to imply fellatio?
Frick no!
But for real though, I suck on the whoppers and let the malt center dissolve. Only downside is sometimes it makes the roof of your mouth raw😂
What you do is you let them dissolve in your mouth, do that and they turn into at least an A tier candy trust
Peets marshmallows from easter
Professionally wrapped chocolate covered brussel sprouts.