• amemorablename
    1 day ago

    I was thinking about this comment and thread a bit earlier and I think while it def has a good point, some of it is even more straightforward than that; western capitalism/empire went to great lengths to isolate and individualize because that makes it harder for people to organize and see eye to eye, makes them easier to exploit, etc., including segmenting on gender. That means many of the connections that a person might make in a “normal” (cooperative) society just from knowing other people and working (or playing) with them closely in the day to day, are just… not there. Which of course is going to include romantic connections too. Online dating seems to have tried to answer this problem by giving you a wider search range to compensate for how splintered people are and it got captured by gamified profiteering, and on top of that, in a place like the US for example, the splintering seems to have gotten progressively worse over time, diminishing any gains from an expanded search range.

    So there is the factor of whether people can afford to have kids, have the time to, have any desire to, but there’s also the step of them even getting into a lasting relationship where that convo might come up, in the first place. The capitalists want to have their cake and eat it too; they want a populace that is so splintered it poses no threat to them, yet also somehow falls in love with each other and makes babies for the factory heaving, but the one is contradictory to the other.

    • Halasham@dormi.zone
      1 day ago

      Oh in the American Dystopia they’ve abandoned the ‘love each other’ part. They still pay lip-service to the notion of loving families but absolutely no maintenance is put into it.

      Rather they attack all forms of birth control such that if one uses sex to cope with the dystopian conditions, at all, there’s a likelihood you will be saddled with the economic burden of children. Doesn’t matter if it was a one-night-stand or if neither party is rationally old enough to be effective parents… hell traumatized kids may be even less effective at forming effective resistance to their power.

      Honestly, that’s not enough for replacement, let alone population growth, and they know it. I’m certain they’re going to resort to even more dystopian methods as they have demonstrated not just a lack of care for Human decency but active contempt for the concept.

      • sinovictorchan
        10 hours ago

        There is also the residual school systems that secretly continues after 1997 and that are a series of slave camps, human experimentation camps, and death camps to waste so much taxpayer money on doctrine of child hatred to the level that that children and grandchildren of the fake school survivors do not understand the concept of family love. The European immigrants are now complaining about family violence of aboriginal people in North America because they magically ‘forget’ that they are responsible for the savage indoctrination in the fake schools and because they somehow cannot comprehend the fact that the European immigrants themselves are assassinating any Indigenous first nation people who tried to return the universal culture of child love.