We consider this heinous crime an extension of the occupation’s deliberate crimes against foreign solidarity activists with our Palestinian people, which have claimed the lives of dozens of them, perhaps the most prominent of whom is the solidarity activist Rachel Corrie, who was crushed under the tracks of the occupation’s tanks in 2003.

These crimes continue in the West Bank with systematic and continuous attacks on solidarity activists by the occupation army and its settler gangs, as happens in all peaceful solidarity events and marches in the villages and towns of the West Bank threatened by settlement and Judaization projects.

The Zionist extremist government and its terrorist army seek, through these crimes, to terrorize and suppress every voice calling for the freedom of our Palestinian people, or standing in solidarity with them in light of criminal settlement, Judaization projects and an ongoing comprehensive genocide war waged against them, without the official world moving a finger to stop it.

We call on the international community, the United Nations, and all its political, humanitarian, human rights and judicial institutions to act immediately to rein in the occupation government and hold it accountable for its [neo]fascist behavior that denies all international laws.

We also call on the U.S. administration to review its biased policy and support for the crimes and massacres of the occupation against our Palestinian people, which today led to the killing of a U.S. citizen by the bullets of its criminal army.

  • We call on the international community, the United Nations, and all its political, humanitarian, human rights and judicial institutions to act immediately to rein in the occupation government and hold it accountable for its [neo]fascist behavior that denies all international laws.

    We also call on the U.S. administration to review its biased policy and support for the crimes and massacres of the occupation against our Palestinian people, which today led to the killing of a U.S. citizen by the bullets of its criminal army.

    I am a cynical communist so I say they are playing themselves, we all know that’s not going to happen. The UN is just gonna throw Palestine under the bus and let the Zionist Reich and their allies go full Caillou.