We are social animals, many or most of us need social interaction for our well being, but also survival purposes taking into account the socioeconomic system and globalization. If we cannot have that interaction in real life, we try to find that in the virtual space.

On that, there is increasingly use of AI for social interaction engagement online, most likely without our notice. Does that has any value for you as a social connection? Is it worth it using social media at all for social interaction (actually interaction with AI) at this point? Wouldn’t it better to just throw away all these interaction at this point?

  • PicoBlaanket@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    First of all - I think most HUMAN posts on pop-social sites (like twitter/reddit) are already low-quality spam…

    … an avalanche of ‘this is the way’ and weak puns …

    and one must already discard 95% of lame HUMAN posts to find a single inspiring one!

    So hey… if someone creates an a.i. prompt so carefully (and edits the a.i. response so well) that their final-post feels like a high-quality and fascinating human thought…

    … well that would be a major improvement!!


    But yeah - some/many people will use a.i. to spam…

    Perhaps forums will develop an “A.I. Detective” bot to check a flagged-user’s post history (with tools like gpt-zero)… and then ban the user, or tag those posts as ‘a.i. generated’.


    (fascinating and high-quality topic amigo)

    • lxvi
      1 year ago

      This is not the way brother. Come with me. I will show you the way.