it always embarassed me growing up that our house was kind of dirty.

like i avoided bringing women over and shit because of the clutter.

i cant be the only one who grew up like this.

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    26 days ago

    Yes but it wasn’t ‘messy’ per se. My parents have always both been huge animal lovers and my mom especially is the type of person who will rescue & keep every stray cat she comes across. Admirable & certainly the reason why I am also a big animal lover and will go out of my way to buy a bunch of chicken nuggets or something to feed a stray dog I see at a McDonalds or something - but it is a huge reason why I almost never invited anyone over growing up. At one point we had like 8 cats, a dog, like four birds, and a bunch of frogs; and because all the cats were a rotating cast of strays, there were periods where we’d have like two males just pissing everywhere in the house for dominance.

    Funnily enough my best friend in HS was the type of person who really enjoyed having sleepovers & since I was secretly in love with him, I would oblige him and literally stay at his house during the school week. Initially my parents didn’t really care because they were never that strict & I was also in the top 10 in my year, but eventually they got pissed that I was spending more time over at his house than I was at home and they were like “just invite him over here! there’s no reason you guys can’t alternate houses”. Motherfucker loved coming over because he had no pets besides an elderly dog but was allergic as fuck to cats. He’d wake up every morning in desperate need of antihistamines because he’d literally beg me to let one of the cats into my room (which was always a no-go for me personally since my room had carpet in it & i refused to have the cats piss in there) so it could sleep in the bed with us. Anyways in case you were wondering, no he did not reciprocate my feelings when I eventually confessed them after waking up many school mornings to him spooning me in bed - typical tragic gay backstory am I right folks.