abc [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 58 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • It’s up to you whether or not you want to try to complete out the year comrade! If you haven’t done anything of note with the fortress and it hasn’t been too long, I think it’d be perfectly fine to just move down the list of people interested in running a year and come back to you at a later date!

    I believe the general consensus for time-limit was about a week or so - so we’re at that already, but if you think you can get the year done over the weekend or in the coming week, I think everyone would be fine with letting you finish it out.

    If you don’t think you can do it in a reasonable amount of time and the fortress does have some construction or some event that occurred during your month or so that you think is worth passing along - note it up with the save and either just make a new post to pass it off or I can do it here in the comments. was next officially, so if they are down to just pick up where you left off, I’m fine with letting them continue Year 103 (so the remaining like 11 months of your year) as well as Year 104.

    If not, it’d probably be best for either me (as the last previous person to complete a year) or or to finish out Year 103 and then just pass it along to the next person (Beetle or

    Tagging them all so they can post their thoughts as to how to proceed. I’m willing to set aside Shadow of the Erdtree this weekend if needed to bang out the rest of an unfinished year so we can get it passed on - but expect many more mist generators LOL

  • Is the tavern open for business?

    The tavern as it stood on Granite 1, Year 103 last night when I closed out of it didn’t have any rentable rooms. It is open to visitors and had 1-2 human/dingo-people visitors at essentially all times after I built the mist generator. I was not particularly worried about theft because Hex is pastured right in the entrance hallway to the tavern (and I even considered chaining a war dog in the tavern as well but there hasn’t been any crimes requiring it yet)

    I didn’t touch any of the artifacts unless they were furniture that could be used to improve the quality of a room. The artifact copper bed Porkroll made in his year is currently in the room assigned to the mayor. I believe an artifact cabinet or table is also in the room or perhaps in the Captain of the Guard’s room.

    This fort is much neater than anything I make lmao.

    SAME lol. Most of my forts use one 20x20 ‘everything but refuse’ stockpile and a single workshop nearby of each type; meanwhile this fortress has at least 15 different stockpiles spread out across different z-levels and like at least 2 of each craft workshop. It has actually inspired me to get better at stockpile management because wow, I knew instinctively that having individual fuel, metal bar, and stone stockpiles right next to the smelter/smithy would result in them sitting down and doing an entire workorder at once rather than take 2 months because they have to travel up 10 z-levels to the central stockpile and bring back a single bar of iron for the next sword, but I didn’t want to believe it (mainly because setting stockpiles is a pain in the ass imo). Same thing with the apartments Porkroll built - holy shit I dunno why I’ve always done 5x3 rooms for EVERY dwarf on a single z-level and lamented quickly running out of space when it is much easier to just build an u/d staircase in the middle of two unoccupied z-levels and just mine out the apartments from there.

    I’m now worried about how much I’ll be judged for making anything I add intentionally disorganised and with that home-ey lived-in feel lol.

    I had the same fear for like the first hour or two I played which is largely why I think I focused more on building bridges/the mist generator and building out the petitioned zones instead of mining further down, as I would’ve normally certainly established some sort of funky farm in the cavern that dwarves would’ve been running back and forth between without any defense - but I think if no one (yet) has berated me for using the platinum for the chapel floor and then building a 7x8 room for the mayor, you should be perfectly fine going for a more natural kind of fortress with disorganized areas and unfinished rooms!!

  • The fact that a war bear has been acquired is almost prophetic for Hexbear.

    Agreed. I was like ferret-poggers when I saw it in the elf caravan. quickest I’ve ever sold a bunch of excess cloth although the rest of my playthrough was basically “oh god Hex is fighting another horse?? she’s gonna die!!”

    What does map have? Does it have a river?

    There is a river right near the entrance of the fortress, see the bridge pic. I was initially going to make a mist generator for the entire central stairway & fortress below via channeling the river and a bunch of grates every z-level, but I didn’t wanna tank the FPS and also have to worry about accidentally flooding everything by forgetting to drain it off the side of the map. A waterwheel probably would’ve also been better for power but I love having a bunch of windmills powering anything for the first like 20-30 levels built atop a hill/mountain.

    I’m surprised you got no strange moods. Someone is gonna get 3 next year.

    There were actually like 2-3, including the bone rack, just nothing notable like weapons or armor. Erush Vzolfeb made a masterpiece (or maybe artifact, I only wrote down that they made something) clay figurine during Slate. I believe the other thing was a toy or relatively useless craft as well. Nothing was sold/given away so they all should be in some stockpile or otherwise in the hands of some dwarf (for example the artifact copper bed I stuck in the Mayor/Future Duke’s room since I figured it would be best used for whoever has the highest room quality need at the time rather than sitting in the stockpile).