The silence of the international community and international institutions, especially the Red Cross, regarding these crimes raises a big question mark about the credibility and neutrality of these institutions. These institutions have not fulfilled their legal and ethical responsibilities to investigate these atrocities or to send international committees into the prisons, especially since international media has repeatedly revealed the unprecedented crimes occurring in the camp against Gaza Strip prisoners.

The U.S. stance, which overlooks these atrocities happening in the Zionist extermination camp at “Sde Teman,” and then laments what happens after some torture scenes are leaked, confirms the U.S. administration’s involvement in these crimes and its prior knowledge of the grave violations against the prisoners from Gaza Strip, including torture, rape, starvation, medical neglect and other horrific means of torture.

The Front affirms that these crimes will not go unanswered by the resistance, and the top priority will remain ending the suffering of the prisoners and freeing them from the Nazi occupation prisons.