Not sure where to post. Just curious if any of yous got some best practices for designing flyers in terms of graphics, texts, layout, etc.

A lot of people and orgs I work with are mainly made up of seniors and they got absolutely no idea how to even use social media, let alone a design program…as you can imagine, this really shows on their flyers and other materials. Shit’s literally just a printed out Word page with 2 columns sometimes. So this stuff is increasingly becoming my job and while I can handle a computer, I’ve never really done short promotional material for political purposes and I rarely have previous materials to go off, because they’re just those bland Word documents usually

Thanks for the help comrades

  • KommandoGZDOP
    2 years ago

    Didn’t even realize there was a community for that lol. Could be helpful to revive it though. I feel like that’s one of the most tangible things this medium could be used for to aid real life work