This is just one recipe, but hopefully you all have similarly easy and cheap ideas.

  • 1 zucchini
  • Oil (whatever kind, but coconut oil works nicely)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Tortillas
  • Hummus (basically anything but Sabra or Tribe)
  • Kale (even if you hate kale, I promise you want it for this)
  • Grape or cherry tomatoes
  • Red onion
  • Vegan cheese (optional but recommended)
  1. Slice the zucchini in half lengthwise, then cut the halves into strips or cubes (I do cubes). Toss in a bowl with oil, salt and pepper. Heat a pan (ideally a grill pan, but it doesn’t matter much) over medium heat. Once it’s up to temp (splash with a little water and see if it evaporates), dump the zucchini in and spread it around the pan. Leave it alone for 3-5 minutes, then shake it all around and leave it for another 3 minutes. Transfer zucchini somewhere (directly onto your tortilla, if you did step 2 while cooking). Leave the heat on for later.

  2. For the tortilla, I spread a nice layer of hummus on one side, a slice of red onion (spread the rings around), some halved grape tomatoes (usually 4 does the trick, but adjust to taste), then a handful of kale.

  3. If using vegan cheese, I put it on the other half of the tortilla (usually just one slice of fake Swiss, but use your imagination).

  4. Finally, roll that bad Larry up and toss it back in the pan in which you cooked the zucchini, grilling/toasting both sides to get some much needed grease in your gullet.

A medium zucchini will get you two quite filling burritos, so it’s good for meal prep or high snacking or whatever.

  • skittermouse
    23 years ago

    here’s one (i think i got it from cheap lazy vegan, on youtube?), i don’t have a kitchen so i make mine using kettle & microwave, but it’s prob easy for stovetop as well:

    • noodles of some sort (i usually get udon)
    • peanut (or other nut) butter (i use smooth, around 1/2 tablespoon for a 1-person serve)
    • whatever mixed veggies
    • hot sauce/sweet chilli sauce of some kind, however much you like
    • firm tofu, cubed (optional but nice to have in there)
    • cracked black pepper (optional)
    1. cook noodles
    2. if using frozen veggies then add those very close to end of noodle cooking
    3. drain noodles (& veg if needed)
    4. use a little warm water to mix with the peanut butter to make a lazy sauce, this can be thick or thin sauce, whatever you like! you can do this in a bowl or the noodle pot.
    5. add hot sauce and black pepper into peanut butter, mix it up good
    6. toss noodles, veggies, tofu through the sauce so everything is coated nicely, heat a bit more in microwave or on stove if feeling fancy
  • @HildegardeM
    14 years ago

    Ohh! Good idea. I will post some recipes too. Maybe we can start a tradition of choosing one to try each week!

  • @HildegardeM
    14 years ago

    The hummus is throwing me off, I’ve never used that in a burrito before. Does it substitute the black/pinto beans?

    • @SpeakerOP
      4 years ago

      Yeah, that along with the zucchini gives it lots of good texture and moisture without being wet, and the flavors work together really nicely. You could definitely use beans. Actually, refried beans or something might be really good, though that might be too much moisture/oil.

  • loathesome dongeaterA
    14 years ago

    anyone knows one for chinese-style tofu vegetable fried rice? right now i just dump soy sauce and ketchup and it tastes like a pale imitation of chinese food.

    • @BuffaloBones
      24 years ago

      My best advice to you for this sort of question is to find chefs or channels which you trust and then check to see if they’ve covered the recipe you’re looking for.

      I’d recommend checking out this recipe from Chinese Cooking Demystified because they put out consistently high quality, no nonsense recipes.

    • @SpeakerOP
      24 years ago

      Soy sauce, rice vinegar, and a bit of sriracha is my usual go-to for stir fry. I suspect the acidity of the ketchup is just not enough, so the vinegar should give it a bit more oomph.