Embarrassing that I once aspired to be a Brace Belden type, back when I was like 16 tbf. It is absolutely incredible how many “leftists” fell for that shit hook line and sinker when you had liberal rags like Vox singing Rojava’s praises. ‘It’s like, a good type of communism! They take American guns and protect American troops! Also, Assad is fascist.’ Such a joke.
Embarrassing that I once aspired to be a Brace Belden type, back when I was like 16 tbf. It is absolutely incredible how many “leftists” fell for that shit hook line and sinker when you had liberal rags like Vox singing Rojava’s praises. ‘It’s like, a good type of communism! They take American guns and protect American troops! Also, Assad is fascist.’ Such a joke.
I mean being 16 is a pretty good excuse. You might find these eps of the east is a podcast interesting:
The east is a podcast - war is hell part 1
the east is a podcast - war is hell part 2