People’s Korea is the most independent country in the world. It has no foreign military bases and is not a member of the IMF, World Bank, WTO, WEF and APEC. There is no Mcdonalds’ or KFC in the DPRK. People’s Korea is a proud independent country that says and does what it likes.

People’s Korea has free health care, education, housing and low-cost food. It abolished taxation 49 years ago.

For all the above reasons People’s Korea is worthy of support with No Ifs and Buts. Today People’s Korea is under physical aggression from US imperialism and the reactionary puppet fascist regime in south Korea. Also, it faces psychological warfare and information terrorism by the US and world imperialism. Therefore we must step up many-sided and multi-dimensional campaigning in support of People’s Korea and not just on Twitter, Facebook, telegram etc but in actual meetings and on the streets.

We need KFA UK members to come to our picket of the south Korean fascist embassy on Saturday 4th of March and we need KFA UK members to come to our meeting but also to come to demos and different events with KFA stuff and DPRK flags because this is how we can build the organisation up.

    • juchenecromancer
      1 year ago

      Libs found this community and are downvoting anyone who isn’t a brainwashed westoid lol

  • juchenecromancer
    1 year ago

    The DPRK was always based af, from Kim Il-Sung’s system which was socially the closest to Communism of any country, to Kim Jong-Il’s leadership during the Ardous March, to Kim Jong-Un’s rejuvenation of the economy and rapid improvement of QoL. We must defend this great nation with as much as possible.

      • juchenecromancer
        1 year ago

        First of all, you can’t refer to the family as the “Jongs”, the proper way is to call them the “Kims”. You’re really showing how little you know about Korea and how little you wish to understand it. They’re not incompetent and inept, they’re under harsh circumstances, under crippling sanctions and in a long-term proxy conflict with the world’s most powerful country. The fact that Korea is still standing is a testament to their competency, let alone all the achievements that the DPRK has done such as rebuilding the country after the Korean war, electrifying the country, and eliminating illiteracy. You clearly have not done your research on the DPRK.

        the people isn’t free

        What is “free”? You westoids always classify a country as “free” or “not free” without specifying what “free” is. Is a homeless man living on the streets in America, not knowing where their next meal will come from, “free”? Is the factory worker who works under threat of unemployment and the resultant starvation, forced to sell his labour at a meagre wage, “free”? What is “freedom”? Koreans have democratic participation, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and everything you’d expect of a “free” society. Unlike Americans, Koreans have a real, functioning peoples’ democracy, free housing, guaranteed employment, free healthcare, free education at all levels, cheap public transit, a guaranteed source of calories through the PDS, no taxes, state-sponsored vacations, and state-sponsored retirement pensions. They are infact the “freest” people on Earth.

        The country could be independent from the rest of the world and not a tyrranical regime at the same time

        Fool, the reason they’re falsely painted as a “tyrannical regime” in the first place is because they’re independent from and don’t dance to the tune of Western Capital. The DPRK is far from a tyrannical regime.