The imperial core has some strong color revolution fantasies, but at the same time it is hard to dismiss something that isn’t just “freedumb and democracy”. The whole thing around Iranian women specifically, looks like a hijacking of a legitimate struggle. Has anyone produced an informed analysis of the situation?

  • cfgaussian
    2 years ago

    You can look up interviews on various leftist, anti-imperialist channels like Breakthrough News with Prof. Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran. He is always a very eloquent speaker and explains Iran and Iran’s views in a way that Westerners can understand. Many of the issues around women’s rights that the West criticizes Iran for are highly exaggerated. That is not to say they don’t exist and there isn’t a struggle there, but at the very least the most recent wave of protests was virtually a completely astroturfed affair, driven very much by paid agents of the West, many of whom were armed covertly and committed terrorist attacks. Iran did a good job of letting them all expose themselves and then taking them off the streets one by one. Now a lot of the West’s subversive networks inside Iran have been burned and their efforts set back several years and many millions of dollars.