The reception of war criminal Netanyahu in Congress confirms U.S. involvement and immersion in the genocide war.

The speech by the Zionist enemy’s prime minister, war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, before the U.S. Congress was an attempt to market lies and sell delusions, as he tried to justify the genocidal crimes committed by his cowardly army in the Gaza Strip.

The U.S. Congress’s reception of war criminal Netanyahu, who is primarily responsible for the Zionist genocide in Gaza, confirms that the U.S. is the main sponsor of terrorism and the Zionist genocide in Gaza, and is directly involved in unprecedented crimes against the Palestinian people.

The invitation of war criminal Netanyahu by members of the U.S. Congress proves that this body is nothing more than a council for murderers and organized terrorism, serving as the godfather of the U.S. colonial entity and legitimizing its crimes globally.

The enthusiastic applause from the Zionized Congress members was a farcical play and a scene embodying the degradation of U.S. policies and their deep complicity with Zionist terrorism.

What was said in Netanyahu’s speech once again reflects the promotion of lies and distortion of facts. The Middle East, and indeed the whole world, faces the axis of Zionist terrorism backed by the criminal United States [neo]imperialism.

Netanyahu’s lies about the number of casualties and massacres in Gaza being the lowest in any wars are blatant falsehoods; the occupation’s crimes in Gaza, as testified by all international organizations and institutions, are among the most horrific and brutal in human history.

The boycott by a significant number of U.S. legislators of Netanyahu’s speech signifies their awareness that he is a liar and an outcast seeking to exploit this address for personal interests.

The war criminal’s attempt to invoke the Holocaust to justify their crimes is a transparent attempt to export a victim narrative and justify the war crimes committed by the Zionist genocide regime against the Palestinian people.

It is the Zionist entity and the U.S. that should feel ashamed, not the protesters who stood for justice and condemned the Zionist genocide. Netanyahu’s lies about an imminent victory are exposed by the significant losses his soldiers are suffering in the field at the hands of the heroic resistance fighters, proving that the resistance is present, strong, and its capabilities are increasing day by day.

There is no “New Gaza” as Netanyahu deludes. Gaza will always remain an integral and inseparable part of Palestine, a thorn in the enemy’s throat, and a graveyard for them. Generations will continue on the same path and the resistance’s weapons will remain ready and aimed at the enemy — and any hand that approaches it will be cut off.

After the war, Gaza will be free of occupation, and our people will not allow any administration or puppet government to take responsibility for the Strip. The Palestinian people will determine the future of the Strip and how it is governed.

The “Abraham Alliance” Netanyahu spoke of is an alliance of the axis of evil in the region, and it will not achieve its goals, whether through normalization or by allowing the Zionist entity to infiltrate the region.

All the free people of the world know that Palestine is the land of the Palestinian people, owned by them from the river to the sea — and that this false Zionist entity is destined for demise, living through an existential crisis inaugurated by the epic of October 7, deepened by the valiant resistance and support fronts of the resistance factions.

The established reality on the ground, the legendary steadfastness of our Palestinian people, the painful and qualitative strikes by the resistance, and the global rallying around the Palestinian cause confirm beyond any doubt that the inevitable and decisive victory for our people and the imminent defeat of the Zionists is near.