Due to the air strikes carried out by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah, an integral part of the Axis of Resistance, settlers throughout the West Bank are being rightfully targeted, forcing thousands of them to flee [neocolonialism] on a daily basis.

The [neocolony] has reported that at least 260,000 settlers have been “displaced” in northern occupied Palestine since October 7 and that 39% of them are now living in hotels. Some of these settlers have established their own “refugee” camp.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a war criminal, has been forced to cut $500 million shekels (the equivalent to over U.S. $135 million) from some governmental ministries to pay for the evacuation of the settlers due to the resistance. The resistance has shown that there is no safe place for these racist settlers to reside peacefully on stolen Palestinian lands even as their ongoing atrocities continue.

Auctions being held by Zionist institutions in the U.S. to sell off Palestinian lands are being met with protests, leading to some of them being shut down.

Hamas stated: “The zionist occupation authorities’ approval of the construction of 5,300 new settlement units in the settlements of the occupied West Bank is a clear expression of the zionist extremist government’s disregard for all international laws and resolutions that criminalize settlement and an affirmation of its continued work to seize more Palestinian land at a time when it is unleashing herds of criminal settlers to continue their aggression against our Palestinian people in the cities and towns of the West Bank, with full protection from the terrorist occupation army.

“We in the Hamas movement affirm that these fascist decisions will only add to our stationed people’s and their valiant resistance’s adherence to the option of remaining steadfast on this land, the escalation of resistance and clashes with the occupation on all axes, until the sweeping of their aggression from our land and sanctities.

“We call on the United Nations and the international community to take effective steps to deter this terrorist entity, to stop its brutal war on our people in Gaza and the West Bank and its frantic attempts to change the facts on the ground and to hold it accountable for the ongoing war crimes it is carrying out in full view of the entire world.” (Resistance News Network, July 4)