Across the globe, support for [Herzlianism] has plummeted. Workers in various countries have obstructed the production or blocked shipments of weapons destined for the apartheid state. The student intifada, started with an encampment at Columbia University, drew in students across the U.S. and in many other countries.

Even U.S. unions, some with a history of backing [neocolonialism], have called for a ceasefire in Gaza and are discussing divesting from Israel Bonds. This is not close to what they should be doing, but it nevertheless represents a sea change — one that clearly threatens U.S. and [neocolonial] hegemony in West Asia.

If [the neocolony] ever was a stable “democracy” in the region, those days are gone. There is no going back.

Youth Against War and Fascism, at one time Workers World Party’s youth group, formed the Committee to Support Middle East Liberation around 1969. Its signs and buttons read: “U.S. out of the Middle East! Palestine will win!”

Today, we could not be more proud of the Palestinian Resistance for creating the possibility of that slogan becoming a reality.

    • GlueBear [they/them]
      2 months ago

      I think it’s okay to use the term that the fascists use to describe themselves.

      I suppose you’re going to start calling Nazis “stasserites” because Nazi is short for “national socialist”.

      Just call it zionism, you confuse people by calling it herzilism or whatever.