When say “self-employed” I mean folks like custom-pc builders, carpenters, vulcanizers, with no additional staff.

Which class do they fall under, capitalist or proletariat? Are there some special cases regarding them?

  • @communist_wife
    71 year ago

    Sometimes petty bourgeosie, sometimes artisan. I think class aspiration plays a factor.

    • JoeMarx 193OP
      11 year ago

      My aspiration is to earn enough to raise a family of 6 (yes, 6). I’m considering selling PC parts like water cooling pipes, decor, and crafts for a living.

  • comrade-bear
    8 months ago

    Isn’t there only two classes the bourgeoisie and the proletariat? And custom pc builders are most certainly not bourgeoisie they cannot build the computers without the parts market, they own just their workforce as any other worker, for what I understand, is that if you stop working you will starve you most certainly are proletariat

    • JoeMarx 193OP
      110 months ago

      Middle class doesn’t exist.