While the U.S. introduced a United Nations Security Council ceasefire resolution based on the deal proposed by Biden, Netanyahu quickly rejected the plan. While the [Herzlian] army said that most of its operations in Rafah are over, Netanyahu said in an interview with [neocolonial] media that he is not ready to end the war.

Meetings in Washington started June 24 between Netanyahu’s war minister Yoav Gallant and U.S. officials. These meetings are to take up the continuation of the war in Gaza and the possible expansion of war with Lebanon that threatens to provoke a larger regional conflict. Netanyahu is pushing for this, while Biden, at least publicly, waffles.

Even as the death toll for Palestinians continues to mount in Gaza and increasingly in the West Bank, reports of casualties among [the] Occupation Forces are surfacing. [The neocolony] has tried to control the reports of dead and injured soldiers, claiming that 665 [neocolonial] soldiers have been killed since October 7. Reports from the resistance forces in Gaza refute these low numbers. The head of the [Herzlian] army’s wounded association admits that numbers of wounded soldiers exceed 20,000, with over 8,000 permanently disabled as of June 1. (Mondoweiss, June 24)

Resistance to the war is growing among both U.S. and [neocolonial] military forces. In addition to growing opposition at home for both Biden and Netanyahu, the U.S. and [its neocolony] both face mounting financial crises as spending for war mounts. [Zionism’s] economy is tanking, and both countries face deficits that far exceed their gross domestic products.

Some things are clearly obvious — both men are liars concerned with their own political futures. But more importantly, their wrangling over tactics serves to expose the reality that these [neo]imperialist countries, with their unlimited supply of genocidal weapons, have been unable to defeat the will of the people of Palestine.

The great military power of the U.S. in support of [Herzlianism] has been no match against the combined resistance forces of West Asia and their determination to end the decades of white supremacist, settler-colonial occupation.