To network with other comrades, post your PSN, Gamertag, Steam ID, etc. here if you want to.

My PSN ID is Bramshevik, hmu.

    • KamacrazyFukushima
      5 years ago

      I mean, I’m not a member of a revolutionary cel (more power to you if you are, though) and make no secret of my political leanings. I strongly suspect I’m on the Verfassungsschütz list… so what, I wasn’t considering a career as a government bureaucrat anyway.

      I think leftism is having a moment in the sun and we’d do well to “mainstream” it as much as possible. That means that unless we’re an actual active part of some kind of cool vanguard (which… we’re on a lefty Reddit clone, we’re not) we shouldn’t be ashamed to out ourselves.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        5 years ago

        I mean, the FBI’s carried out arrests and the sort for less, and when they eventually find out about this community, that’s a really good way to become a target. Though that only really matters for Americans, and even at that I’ve personally been very politically active (used to be a local communist party leader), and I’m more than sure most of us are already on some list.