Going along with the theme of this thread yesterday, the admin team here has decided to remove these two communities.

Not only are people getting tired of seeing cringe / reactionary content fill up lemmygrad, but it doesn’t create a very welcoming atmosphere for new people, or those wanting to sign up, to see a bunch of reactionary content / hate speech directed at you.

We don’t want to host that content, or make other people see it.

We’ll evaluate these cringe-type / reactionary-content communities on a case-by-case basis, to decide if they should stay or not. Feel free to comment any below that you think should probably be removed.

Stay vigilant comrades, and if you see too much reactionary content being posted to lemmygrad, report it and we’ll get to it as soon as we can.


    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      2 years ago

      piggybacking to remind people that the far-right only gains traction when they’re reposted.

      Principled Marxists might not be swayed from their solid ideological ground when clowning on fascism, but new leftists can be. Especially the new leftists who’re within the scope of far-right propaganda (white, cis male, teen-20s) who haven’t yet fully embraced Marxist ideology. As well, reposting hateful content harms the communities the content is harmful towards. Marginalized people don’t usually want to see posts that were written against them, even if the post was reposted to make fun of it. The result of the “shit x says” communities could be repulsing those comrades. (note, communities like “Shit Liberals Say” are more annoying than harmful and are excluded from this statement, I’m talking about things like “Shit Fascists Say”)

      If we’re going to share screenshots of fascist posts or redistribute fascist memes, we need to mark them NSFW and members need to be in the comments explaining why the content is harmful. If we fail to do our due diligence LG could become a leftist ➔ patsoc/nazbol pipeline, we don’t want that.