• Anarcho-Bolshevik
    4 months ago

    I love how Go West sounds similar to the Soviet anthem by sheer coincidence:

    Chris It does sound surprisingly like the fo[rm]er Soviet anthem, we have subsequently discovered. It’s remarkably similar.

    Neil We did bits in Moscow for the ‘Go West’ video simply because we were going to Moscow for the launch of Russian MTV[.] It was just a coincidence, and we thought, ‘Where do you go when you’re East? You go West’, so we did some filming in Red Square, pointing. But according to this artist we know in Russia, people thought that we had done a song that was based on the Soviet national anthem, and these Hungarian fans wrote to us and said, ‘I hear this song and I am frightened,’ because they thought it was suggesting that the Russians should invade Eastern Europe again, because they would go west. Maybe that’s why the Russians like it.