• TheGyattsMustBeCrazy [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    Until the Dems address the different attitudes of black people based on class and faith he will bleed black support. The black people the administration touts like Amanda Gorman, Symone Sanders, Kamala etc. are a world apart from the middle and lower middle class black people in cultural attitudes, concerns, etc. When I seen irl how everyday black people speak to someone black whom they think is high upper middle class, there is so much distance between them it borders on no solidarity. Makes sense, since while most black people have had a relative in jail or have been in jail themselves, this applies to only 1/3 of college educated black people.

    Unless you are a black humanities major from a college town a lot of broad brush “inclusivity” stuff falls on deaf ears, and when you finger wag at your base for antisemitism or even LGBTQ+ discrimination it’s completely alien and unengaging to the average black American. A lot of black people even lean toward anti-PC attitudes, and there are shows like those on the Zeus Network made by/for middle class black people to mock inner city and poor black people in the same way that white supremacists and “telling it like it is” comedians mock. And that’s not to mention the schism between Carribbean/African immigrants and black people descended from American slavery.

    Basically, Dems at the top often have an unnuanced view about the black community that literally makes the party come off as more out of touch with that community than some Stonetoss Comics/Groypers. They need to actually honestly look at intracommunal relations and the warts and all of Black Americans and find a galvinizing message. I hate seeing Dems hedge and give into the right wing’s framing on DEI/Affirmative Action type programs as “racist handouts” rather than proudly vowing to protect them for black people in a non-condescending way, cementing their necessity but also allowing some to opt out. I hate how white Dems are just looking for the right set of catchphrases to memorize and chide fellow whites for not reciting right, rather than finding rousing and reactionary-triggering comments that shore up support.

    Black American groups that don’t feel any kinship with one another WILL rally together to support Dems when the party’s policy and advocacy are right. Hell, a lot of the anti-woke/anti-PC black people online started fighting fiercely with the crypto racists whom they usually align with, when it was announced that the next Assassins Creed game featured Yasuke–a real black samurai exemplifying welcomed black representation. If this Ubisoft reskinned slop marketing team can figure it out, and the Dems still collapse their black vote percentage this year, then they are losers and suckers just like the troops.

    • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      The monolithic treatment of a massive group of people based on nothing but skin color is racist and reductive. Latinos get it too. They should try giving a shit more often than every 4 years instead of pandering.

      • TheGyattsMustBeCrazy [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        They don’t even have the temerity to pander! They got mad at Trump for being distasteful for putting his names on the stimulus checks that hood rappers are still praising him for, while the plan Kamala released to uplift black neighborhoods was “a student loan debt forgiveness program for Pell Grant recipients who start a business that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities.”

        And speaking of Latinos, it was such a wakeup call to me when Trump’s Latino support shot up in 2020 BECAUSE of his border policies, since they created a ton of enforcement related middle class jobs for Spanish-speaking Americans living near the border. Like it couldn’t be clearer how material benefits override any lip service solidarity.

        • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
          4 months ago

          Many Latinos also harbor right wing political beliefs. These would be overridden by meaningful material benefits but of course under democrats these are non existent. How anyone would be surprised by the steady erosion of support from this “reliable democratic voter base” is beyond me

          • TheGyattsMustBeCrazy [none/use name]@hexbear.net
            4 months ago

            I think the Biden campaign outright said that Hispanics were not part of their path to victory in 2020. The Dems also spinelessly gave in to conservative framing about border crises and jettisoned a policy that was popular–pathway to citizenship, amnesty for Dreamers/those who have been here forever, but more inflow controls. The old ass Dems didn’t trust the American people to grasp nuance and overlook the “open borders” panic even though most people are pretty humane about undocumented immigrants even while nominally against them.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        It’s funny how dems will mock Republicans for calling a dude from Paraguay a Mexican and then also treat the Latinos (except the Cubans!) like they are a monolith. What the hell, guys.