I’m getting legal aid to help, and I do have a fair bit of documentation (all timesheets, paystubs, questionable texts about scheduling from my boss, and even pictures of a few health code violations). What was the process like for you? How soon did you get money?

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    I’ve been fucked on holiday wages before. For me, all it took was emailing HR and the money was sent to my next paycheck. Sounds like yours isn’t so simple, sorry comrade. I’m guessing it’s the kind of situation where either the HR team isn’t on your side or there isn’t an HR team.

    • IdliketothinkimsmartOP
      2 years ago

      I wish it was just holiday pay. There are hundreds of hours that are unaccounted for in OT. I just kinda realized when another coworker brought it up to me. I feel so dumb because my mom had been telling me about it for years (throughout multiple jobs I held), and I always dismissed it because I thought OT rules worked a different way in my state. I’m trying to mentally square away the money, because knowing my bosses, it’s gonna be a long drawn out process to get the money. I’m just so glad that I have organizing comrades helping me with legal aid.

      If I don’t get it, I’ll just file the labor complaint along with whatever else and blow the whistle to the health inspector. I’ve been trying to play sorta dumb, so hopefully they don’t try to erase any files on their end first.