While Democrats put the long-dead Border Security Bill on life support in another time-wasting vote this Thursday, the Biden administration is working behind the scenes to “adjust” immigration policy in a way that looks awfully familiar. In the face of the GOP’s vast disapproval and promises of filibustering the bill that was practically made as a love letter to xenophobia, four Biden officials have spoken up about “tweaks” being made to the immigration process. The first change involves turning away asylum seekers during the screening process before considering them for the interview process.

The current “credible fear” screenings take hours for each border agent to complete, and the new system would put undue strain on this particular portion of the immigration process, both on immigrants and agents alike. “These enforcement-only actions make people feel good for about a half a second, but they don’t actually do anything to fix the problem. It didn’t work under Donald Trump when he tried to shut down the border,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) on Wednesday.

Our comrades at HIAS have put together a quick-action form where you can submit a comment opposing these proposed regulatory changes.

(Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action.)