Nerdeen Kiswani, one of the organizers of the event from Within Our Lifetime, led a chant: “Why are you in riot gear? There is no riot here.” She noted that a Nakba protest has been held in the heart of the Palestinian community in Bay Ridge for the last 10 years and this was the first time the cops stopped people from gathering on the street.

Protesters peacefully marched down Fifth Avenue and side streets. Then cops suddenly brutally attacked individuals, throwing them to the ground with three or more cops straddling each person, punching them, and handcuffing them. Blood streamed down the face of one protester. Cops have repeatedly brutalized those protesting the genocide in Gaza at university encampments and on marches through city streets.

Kiswani wrote on X (formerly Twitter): “It is agonizing to repeatedly witness NYPD brutalize my friends and the most kind-hearted people dedicating their life to fighting against the genocide of my people. Waiting hours and days to know if they are okay. Illegal arrests for cases that get dismissed. They just enjoy beating us.”