Tacked to the stage was a huge banner with the slogan “Long live the spirit of Kent and Jackson State!” — the slogan chanted in 1977 during the movement to try to stop KSU from building a gym on the site of the shootings. Earlier in the day, “Move the gym” had been chalked on the gym wall.

Student speakers Sophia Swengel and Juliana Buonaiuto received applause when they drew parallels between the events at Kent State in 1970 and the wave of campus encampments now in solidarity with Palestine. Hundreds of pro-Palestine activists, who are demanding KSU divest from [neocolonial] bonds and companies that do business with the Zionist state, turned their backs on University President Todd Diacon when he spoke.

After the university-sponsored memorial ended, divestment activists held a militant rally for Palestine, tying together the student movements of 1970 and today.