Following the arrests of over 100 students at Columbia by the New York Police Department less than a week ago, over 40 more encampments have sprung up countrywide in just one week, with “liberated zones” demanding a free Palestine. No amount of police repression has been able to discourage the resolve and determination of these students, which continue to grow stronger.

Even faculty members have staged walkouts at their schools where encampments are taking place, surrounding student protesters and risking arrests, for example at Emory University in Atlanta and Columbia and The New School in New York City. We salute New York City bus drivers who refused to drive arrestees to jail on behalf of the NYPD.

The false narrative of “antisemitism” pushed by reactionary college administrations, the right wing and the Biden administration is being obliviated by the sheer large numbers of anti-Zionist Jewish students who have joined these encampments. They are saying loud and clear that this horrific genocide will not be carried out in the name of Judaism.

Workers World condemns the brutality being carried out by the police that proves once again which side this repressive force is on. The cops protect the private property of the billionaire ruling class, which includes the superrich college endowments that prop up the Zionist, terrorist death machine.

See also: A call to ‘Escalate for Gaza’