EDIT: I made this post shorter because the questions made it quite confusing and didn’t made any sense when re-reading them.

One question that was on my mind is that what would happen to U.S History if the US collapsed?

If the new country USSA was established, would the history of the U.S not matter anymore? Such as the start of the country, glorified figures like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Would they be forgotten eventually?

What would happen to their trillions of debt? What ties would you cut, and who would you ally the USSA with next? China? What countries would you have relations with? Who would you do trade with?

What are your efforts to make the USSA a strong country and incapable of being attacked by capitalist imperialists?

Say if the USSA was right on their feet and able to keep themselves stable, would you wanna spread this “stableness” to other countries?

Personally my answer to this question is to not spread socialist ideals into other countries without wanted permission. There have been many countries that tried socialist ideals but were stopped by imperialists. I’m sure they will continue their efforts once the imperialist U.S is gone.

What are your suggestions? I would love to hear your thoughts! Please try to answer every question :)) It’s okay if you don’t

  • thetablesareorange
    2 years ago

    a violent soviet style revolution would be unnecessary in the USA or any of the wealthiest countries really. I couldn’t imagine one occurring, except maybe in a post-apocalyptic scenario where humanity somehow manages to survive WW3. I don’t know what would happen to McDonald’s or the Catholic church in that situation but I don’t imagine anything good.

    Most “public debt” is owned by the wealth investor class and will disappear when we grind their bones to make our bread fee fie fo fum. That would be hilarious to see the USA out communism China one day, but it would be quite appropriate as Mao said his greatest dream, was that one day he would be thought of as a conservative

    • SunshinerOPM
      2 years ago

      Say if there was a successful peaceful revolution, what would happen then?

      That would be hilarious to see the USA out communism China one day

      Ngl it would be hilarious, it also might take a long time. And if there was supposedly a USSA that would try to out communist China, I wonder if it would be the newSino-Soviet split? Would they be enemies?

      • PolandIsAStateOfMind
        2 years ago

        Peaceful revolution is only possible when the power of the ruling class is so eroded that they don’t have any possibility of violent resistance. Lenin wrote about this after the October Revolution, that February revolution was so fast and easy because power of the tsar practically disappeared due to the WW1, and October Revolution happened at first bloodlessly because power of the bourgeoisie was still in the process of consolidating. The same about european revolutions, WW1 weakened the ruling class and empowered the working class (army!) so far that monarchy was overthrown in Germany, Austria-Hungary broke in parts and all other imperialist countries were weakened (unfortunately the power of bourgeoisie was way too much entrenched in all those countries).

        • SunshinerOPM
          2 years ago

          Hm… I love this explanation! It does make sense that other factors could weaken the ruling class and make things easier for the working class without much violence. I wonder what would erode the ruling class of America? There are many factors but I’m curious to see which one would erode them the most in the future… 🤔

      • thetablesareorange
        2 years ago

        its just so hard for me to imagine i dont even know what it would it look like… its like asking if someone invents time travel what will the fast food industry look like… like shit idk