Flan, with the PPC, opened by reading demands from Palestinian unions. On October 16 over 30 Palestinian unions and worker organizations called for concrete solidarity from workers around the world. A May Day appeal from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions reiterated this message.

Retired postal worker Joe, representing Workers World Party, noted that this rally would not have been possible a year ago: “It was only after the October 7 intifada that many of us paid a lot more attention to the struggle for a free Palestine. There are now more opportunities and potential to build greater worker solidarity with Palestine.”

He noted: “Polls say the majority of people want a ceasefire — and the majority of the population are workers, likely many of your co-workers. Many may want an end to the occupation and a free Palestine, but we need to organize that awareness into collective action — the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement or persuading your union locals to be the first to call on its members to vote ‘uncommitted’ in the Pennsylvania primary. As workers united, in unions or not, we can do a lot to disrupt Zionist propaganda and the U.S. war machine, paid for by our taxes.”

Representing the Unity Caucus, composed of members of various city unions, Sunita, a librarian, and member of District Council 47, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Local 2187, said: “The last 75 years have been full of historical ‘untruths.’ Anti-Muslim propaganda by the rich and powerful is used not only against the people of Palestine but against the working class as a whole.

“They act as if all we have earned, what we have fought for, is theirs. They use our tax money for wars, while we need services like libraries, schools and more. Why are the University of Pennsylvania’s tax-free endowments funding military technology like Ghost Robotics?”