• freagle
    2 months ago

    Yog, this is what I’m talking about. I flip-flop between seeing these events as Ls for the USA and seeing them as inline with their strategies and USA is playing rope-a-dope. Which is it, comrade?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
      2 months ago

      My take on it is that US think tanks come up with hare brained schemes, and then neocons push them through, but none of these schemes actually help US in the long run. I mean just look at how things are going with Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. US managed to do a lot of damage initially, but their overall position has deteriorated significantly. Iran is now stronger than ever, and if US does end up in a direct conflict, it’s going to be a way bigger shit show than Ukraine.

      One fundamental problem that US has is that the empire is spread all over the globe which is a logistics nightmare. None of the vassal states are self sufficient, and don’t really have the ability to support each other, so they’re entirely dependent on US for protection.

      On the other hand, Russia, China, and Iran are all back to back, and they’re all strong industrially and technologically. It’s much easier for them to help one another and to counter US when they try to project power.

      • cfgaussian
        2 months ago

        I think this is exactly the right answer. Yes the neocon warmongers plan a lot of these conflicts in advance, but when they happen they turn out to have been disastrously bad ideas that, even with all the chaos and destruction they cause and contrary to their expectation of advancing the position of US imperialism, end up actually putting the US in a worse position than when they started and with their enemies stronger and more united.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
          2 months ago

          The moral of the story here is why empiricism and material analysis are so important. Liberals are adherents of Idealism, which holds that existence is inseparable from human perception and that reality stems from the mind. This leads them to think that they can just will reality into existence through sheer force of will. They reject the primacy of the physical world and brush away question about pesky details such as industrial capacity, logistics, and so on. This is an excellent demonstration of Dialectical Materialism being a superior framework for understanding the world.