On International Al-Quds Day, we extend our salutes and pride in the arms of the heroic fighters in the Islamic Resistance in Hezbollah, the Yemeni Armed Forces and Ansarallah and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, who fulfill their duty by igniting all fronts and arenas in support of Gaza and in victory for Al-Quds and its Al-Aqsa Mosque and direct blessed strikes against this criminal entity.

On International Al-Quds Day, Palestine, its people and its resistance will not forget everyone who stood by them, led by the Islamic Republic of Iran, which did not hesitate for a moment to provide all forms of support and assistance to our people, our cause and our resistance.

We call on all peoples and the free in the nation, foremost among them the nation’s scholars and sheikhs, to rise up and revolt and to take to the streets in support of Gaza and in rejection of the genocidal and ethnic cleansing war waged by the Nazi Zionist enemy with U.S. partnership and international inaction.