It is clear from the language of the inquiry, the subpoena, and public statements made by Chairwoman Foxx that the Committee’s core objection to the resolution is based on animus towards the political views expressed therein. It is also clear that the Committee disagrees with, and actively seeks to discourage, any expressed union support for Palestine, workers’ free speech, and an end to the […] settler occupation, apartheid, and genocide of Palestinians.

The Committee has no jurisdiction to retaliate against a union or its members for the exercise of core First Amendment rights to organize and advocate on matters of public concern. We urge the Committee to strictly adhere to the Constitution’s democratic principles and guaranteed freedoms, including the freedom to speak in support of Palestinian liberation.

UAW Local 2325 will continue to represent the interests of our membership and defend the union from demands that threaten union democracy and freedom of speech, including our constitutional right to join the call for a free Palestine.