The Utah University team, scheduled to play a South Dakota State team in Spokane, Washington, on March 27, was assigned to stay in a Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, hotel 30 miles away from the tournament site, supposedly due to lack of hotel space in Spokane. As the team was leaving the hotel to eat dinner, white racists yelled from a car racist epithets toward the African American players, most notably the n-word.

After the team finished dinner to head back to the hotel, these same racists, while revving their car’s engine, verbally assaulted the players again with racist taunts. A Confederate flag was draped on the car.

Once these incidents were reported to NCAA authorities, the Utah team was transferred to a hotel in Spokane. Why they didn’t stay in Spokane in the first place, knowing the history of ultraright, white supremacy in Idaho, is very suspicious.

To say that the lives of these players were placed in danger is an understatement. Lynne Roberts, the Utah coach, stated at a March 27 press conference that her team was deeply troubled and shaken by the two incidents.

As of this writing, none of the culprits have been identified by local authorities.

  • Amerikan Pharaoh
    6 months ago

    But crackers will really sit there and try to smug in my face like “there’s not a race problem in this country, you’re imagining things, YOU’RE actually the racist”. Death to the settler, death to his empire.