Proposals for the Road Ahead

With everything said, I would like to submit the following proposals before members of the Communist Party USA and the National Committee:

  • In order to most effectively carry out the mission of the CPUSA, it would be best practice for national departments to work with districts and clubs on a case-by-case basis and, bearing the capacity and resources of the party in mind, ensure that clubs have what they need to rebuild and promulgate the party’s mission.

  • A list of all members within a district’s boundaries should be provided to the district leadership to ensure that all members of the party, particularly those who are not known to the local clubs, can be involved.

  • Conduct regular online training sessions to equip party members with essential organizing skills such as how to organize protests, mobilize people to vote, public speaking, etc. Supplemental training should be held for club and district leaders to advise them on the behind-the-scenes of actions such as laws surrounding protests, how to coordinate with organizations, potential costs and resources needed, etc.

  • A provision should be added to Article VII, Section 1 of the CPUSA Constitution stating that the National Committee reserves the authority to mobilize a nationwide campaign. In conjunction with district leaders and grassroots organizations dedicated to the issues relevant to the campaign, the National Committee shall make comprehensive plans with defined goals, messaging, targets, timelines, modes of protest, and days of action. It is up to the districts and clubs to carry out the tasks of the campaign and apply them to local conditions.

  • Relevant national departments and committees shall provide clubs and districts with the resources they need to organize on-the-ground actions that are consistent with the party nationwide for aforementioned campaigns. These resources include social media graphics, protest signs, talking points for speeches, lists of supplies, etc.

  • During and after a campaign called on by the National Committee, clubs and districts shall submit assessments to the National Committee to report if goals are being met in the given timeframe, the limitations they face in carrying out the campaign, and what they need to ameliorate any limitations. These assessments shall determine the course of the campaign and be used as case studies going forward.

I agree with all this.

  • Makan ☭ CPUSAOPM
    6 months ago

    Uh, I’m apart of CPUSA, and from what I’ve seen, I disagree with what you said here, no offense.

    CPUSA is definitely a vanguard and very advanced theoretically.

    I’m glad that rank-and-file want to work more closely with Nat’l.

      • Makan ☭ CPUSAOPM
        6 months ago

        I mean no disrespect to you. Do not think that I’m against what you’re saying entirely, or that I dislike you. I just think that you’re speaking from ignorance on these parties.

      • Makan ☭ CPUSAOPM
        6 months ago

        PSL are not feds. Neither are FRSO and CPUSA. Do not fed-jacket entire communist orgs doing hard work. What New Deal socialism are you referring to? We’re against that. The New Deal wasn’t socialism. What are you talking about? I agree that America shouldn’t exist. Not all PSL members are sex pests, but I can’t vouch for them; maybe you’re right. I don’t want to bad-mouth another communist group putting in the work.

        Actually, young people do join CPUSA, and make up the bulk of members. Most of the members in my district are various age-groups.

        CPUSA’s growth is mainly in the Mid-west and South. I do not know where you are though. We’re too scattered.