Delicious, who began performing burlesque in Philadelphia over a year ago, often used the stage to express Palestinian queerness. She planned to include a sign in her act that read: “Our generation will free Palestine!” Tabu told her that the bar did not want political commentary or performances about events in Gaza. They then compounded the problem by issuing a social media post, later deleted, that said the bar “strongly condemns all forms of hate speech, including the display of a sign promoting genocide against Jews.”

After receiving broad condemnation from other performers, including a Jewish drag queen, who all expressed solidarity with Delicious and said they would boycott Tabu, the bar issued a weak apology that they “may have misinterpreted the intention” of the sign. However, criticism towards Tabu has continued, resulting in several performers canceling scheduled acts. Last night’s action was one of many demonstrations against the bar since then.

Outside the bar, queer Palestinian burlesque performer Mewikki addressed the crowd. Angel, from Q4P, commenting on Tabu’s false claim about Leila’s sign, noted: “You cannot conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Out here on the streets it will always be anti-Zionism.” They ended by reading a statement from Leila Delicious thanking the protesters.

The demonstration marched to Rittenhouse Square where they concluded the rally with a speaker who read Queers4Palestine’s principles of unity. More on Q4P can be found on Instagram: @Queers4PalPHL.

Throughout the entire march, protesters received applause from hundreds of young people outside Center City restaurants and bars celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. There was no open hostility.