Regardless of the court outcomes, immigrant activists as well as civil rights organizations have vowed to continue the struggle both politically and legally against this racist and polarizing border law.

The Border Network for Human Rights, based in El Paso, Texas, organized people from El Paso to the Rio Grande Valley, from Odessa to Houston, and over 1,000 Texans marched and rallied in Austin to demand the repeal of the unconstitutional SB4 and the end of Operation Lone Star. (

”We will resist Gov. Abbott’s ongoing crusade against immigrants, people of color, asylum seekers, and refugees. Texans are more united than ever to resist hate, racism, and white supremacy,” a BNHR spokesperson told the rally in front of the state capitol.


While Republicans praise SB4 as an answer to the failures of the Joe Biden Administration to address immigration and border security, Democrats say the law will contribute to racial profiling. What neither bourgeois party admits is that the reason so many migrants are coming across the border is because they are fleeing the instability and violence U.S. policies under both parties have introduced into their home countries.