In the light of the Palestinian Authority insistence on continuing the policy of unilateralism, and disregarding all national efforts to unite the Palestinian front and unite in the face of aggression against our people, we express our rejection of the continuation of this approach that has harmed and continues to harm our people and our national cause.

We call upon our people and their living forces to raise their voices high, and to confront this folly with the present and future of our cause and the interests, rights, and national rights of our people. We also call on all national forces and factions, especially the brothers in Fatah movement, to take serious and effective action in order to reach consensus on managing this historic and pivotal stage, in a way that serves our national cause and fulfills our people’s aspirations to extract their legitimate rights, liberate their land and holy sites, and establish their independent state with full sovereignty and its capital as Al-Quds.

(Emphasis original.)