Leonard’s current conditions include kidney disease, heart condition, diabetes, high blood pressure, bone spurs, a degenerative joint disease, and painful injuries to his jaw — all of which require immediate and ongoing medical care.

Leonard is in constant pain from arthritis in his hip and shoulder, has an enlarged prostate, and an aortic aneurysm. Leonard uses a walker and is having a hard time eating due to a lack of any dental care, having lost most of his teeth as a result.


Please call and email the following officials and tell them Leonard Peltier needs immediate medical treatment, transfer to a medical facility, and RELEASE.

Below is a sample script: “Hello, I’m calling about immediate medical care needed for Leonard Peltier, a 79 year-old federal prisoner. His prisoner number is 89637-132, and he’s in USP Coleman 1.

We need [name of Senator or Representative]’s assistance.

  1. First, Leonard must see an eye specialist without further delay. His loss of vision poses serious risk of him falling, and he depends on other prisoners to perform basic life activities.

  2. Second, Leonard is in constant pain and has multiple severe health conditions requiring immediate and ongoing medical care.

I am asking (Sen./Rep.) to request an immediate transfer for Leonard Peltier to the Federal Medical Prison Facility in Rochester, Minnesota (FCI Rochester), where he can get treatment for all of his medical conditions.

I also urge the Sen./Rep. to advocate for elder Leonard Peltier’s release so he can receive healthcare outside of prison and be with loved ones and community. Aside from Leonard Peltier being innocent of any crime, immediate release is proper and humane given his advanced age and medical conditions. Thank You.”

Senator Cory Booker

D.C. Office: (202) 224-3224

Newark, NJ: (973) 639-8700


Sen. Dick Durbin

DC Office: 202-224-2152

Chicago Office: 312-353-4952


Sen. Alex Padilla

DC Office: 202-224-3553

Los Angeles Office: 310-231-4494


US Rep. Maxwell Frost

DC Office: 202-225-2176

Orlando Office: 321-388-9808


(Please reach out to any other congressional contacts you may have.)



Leonard Peltier Official Ad Hoc Committee


(Emphasis original.)