The most reasonable solution is for everyone to work together for the benefit of everyone. Cooperation is clearly superior to killing each other and destroying the planet. Why can’t everyone just work together to make heaven on earth? Fascism is evil, making hell on earth. Fascism leads to death. Communism leads to life. It seems like everyone must make a choice: the fuck pit or the cuck pit? What do you choose?

        • @Seepolizei
          42 years ago

          Agreed. Fundamentals are there but it lacks the Carcosa / Delta Green vibes to make the morbid reality go down smoother.

          • Red PhoenixOP
            22 years ago

            Maybe that was intended to make a more visceral impact on the viewer, so as not to dilute or take away from the messages.

        • Red PhoenixOP
          22 years ago

          I loved it, I understand the criticisms of it but they didn’t really bother me. I think people expected the same tone and feel of the first season but were disappointed when it turned out to be different. It felt like it had a more down to earth neo-noir vibe to it. I think it could have worked with the same super-natural vibes of season 1 bit I can appreciate them wanting to do something different.

          What did you think about season 3 though? I liked it but I kinda felt like their take on the Vietnam war was kinda cringe? Did I miss something?

  • @Seepolizei
    2 years ago

    It seems like everyone must make a choice: the fuck pit or the cuck pit? What do you choose?

    You’re absolutely right. I mean, obviously you’re right. We have the bend of history, science, morals, and most importantly self interest at our backs. The core, singular rationale for fascisms rise in the face of the collapsing neoliberal order comes down to a lot of people think it’s a zero some game. There’s only so many spots in the fuck pit and anyone that doesn’t fight tooth and nail to preserve every assurance that them and their children and children’s children remain there by any means necessary are dooming themselves to the cuck pit.

    I really don’t think I can put it more plainly than that. For some people it’s because they can’t imagine a world of abundance without artificial scarcity, because it’s such a core myth and main justification for neoliberal economics that there’s “not enough to go around” so even people who otherwise only stand to gain in building communism might never be able to square the circle that with modern science we live in a world of plenty when free of hyperexploitation. Others? Probably just get off to the idea that they can be the lucky winners, and that means someone has to be the loser. Sick shit.

    But the good news is that if we can change how we talk about things like scarcity and destroy the myth of “supply and demand” (more than it already destroys itself day by day with corporate price gouging) we can hopefully raise a generation more resilient to this sickness. That’s the future I hope I can build with everyone.

  • @Franfran2424
    42 years ago

    But how will rich people afford yachts and their anti-apocalipsis bunkers?

    • Red PhoenixOP
      42 years ago

      Shit you’re right they must be kept alive and happy for the benefit of humanity. A rising tide lifts all yachts I mean boats right? I’m sure my boat will trickle down any day now

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    32 years ago

    Yes well you may be right about… everything, but have you considered “line go up good”?

    • Red PhoenixOP
      42 years ago

      If line go up good and line go down bad, then it only makes sense that line must go up 🤔… My worldview has been shattered 😭