• poVoq
    53 years ago

    I think next year we will hear a lot about Scottish independence again…

    • @Shaggy0291
      13 years ago

      I wouldn’t be so sure of that. The SNP have dragged their feet repeatedly on this issue since the last referendum, and according to Scots in my party they reckon the public up there are getting sick and tired of the same old song and dance. They occasionally beat the drum for independence to satisfy their hardliners, but otherwise they’re content with the status quo. They’ve abstained on opportunities to rein back in further devolution from Westminster when there was no apparent reason for them to actually do so besides not having to take on those responsibilities themselves.

  • @N0b3d@lemmy.ml
    53 years ago

    You don’t have to look hard at all - petrol was hard to get hold of and is approaching record high prices, random foodstuffs aren’t available, you can’t see a doctor for love nor money, Brexit (obviously), Covid (obviously), idiotic decisions taken by Tory govt. that seems to have no clue how to govern and no concern for the state of the country of its citizens (most obviously of all). But never mind, Princess Di was lovely wasn’t she.